How to add liquidity to MBXN-BUSD
Step 1
Visit PancakeSwap website through official link Connect your Wallet by clicking the “Connect” button on the top right side. Connect your Metamask. Then click on "Liquidity" and choose MBXN & BUSD.
Step 2
Finish two steps confirmation on your Metamask wallet by clicking first “Next” then “Connect” buttons.
Step 3
Bridge your MBXN from ETH to BSC. For this, login to UpBots platform on left menu bar, select Bridge and move your MBXN-ERC20 to UBXT-BEP20. You will be send on Multichain, our partner for the bridge.
Step 4
On UpBots Platform, visit Staking section on left menu then connect your metamask on BSC Network
Step 5
Choose BSC Network on top menu and click MBXN-BUSD LP to provide liquidity
Step 6
Approve transaction on your metamask wallet and add the MBXN-BUSD LP in the Staking pool. Press validate, and that's it. You will now earn a passive income.
Last updated