v2.3.4, October 7th
New feature : user bot creator
v2.3.3, September 23th
2 new algobots : Laika BTC & BNB
v2.3.3, September 15th
3 new algobots : Laika ETH & TRX & MoonRocket ETH
v2.3.3, September 13th
2 new algobots : Smart FTT & Smart LINK
v2.3.3, June 7th
2 new algobots : Dusk & Nuls
v2.3.2, June 2nd
Coinbase Pro available for the trading bots
Possibility to select the stable coin for the trading bots
v2.2.3, May 9th
Futures Trading available on FTX
5 new algobots : Smart ADA, AVAX, ATOM and SuperTrader BNB
Improve performance of the dashboard
v2.2.2, March 29th
3 new algobots Near, Atom, Supertrader BNB
v2.3.0, April 25th
FTX future trading
2 new algobots ADA & AVAX
v2.2.2, March 29th
Possibility to allocate a fix amount for the algobots
2 new algobots : Fluctus & Harsi
Improve performance of the dashboard
UX UI improvements
v2.2.1, March 16th
2 new algobots : Supertrade Link, SXP
Telegram notification
New currencies available in addition to eur and usd
v2.2.1, March 7th
Multilevel staking
Future trading
v2.2.0, Feb 23th
Algobots close now
My trade page
Bug fixes
v2.1.5, Feb 7th
New mobile app layout
New bonus system for the first deposit
Bug fixes
v2.1.4, Jan 12th
3 new algobots available : Swing Sniper BNBUSDT; Swing Sniper TRXUSDT; Gold Rush MATICUSDT
Total gain added in my active bot page
v2.1.35, Jan 4th
New UBXT allocation system
v2.1.30, Dec 28th
Referral system
Fix on shitcoins for the DEX wallets
Improvements on the trading engine
v2.1.20, Dec 15th
Huobi trading available for manual trade & algobots
Community bots available for ubxt stakers on BSC
Ux ui improvements
v2.1.10, Nov 29th
2fa reset process
Notification improvements
Error message 'load market data' fix
Bot status in my UBXT wallet page is now updated
ux ui improvement on mobile
Trading engine improvement
User profile improvements
Staking navigation improvements
Bot allocation improvements
Tooltip improvements
v2.0.30, Oct 28th
UX UI adjustment
BSC UBXT deposits
Filtering on *@#$coins
v2.0.20, Oct 26th
UI data improvements
Trading engine improvements
New bots deployed shib & cake
Side menu adjustment
v2.0.10, Oct 13th
UBXT wallet ux ui improvements
account name fix in my active bots
improvements on bot activity
bot status filter (so you can filter on active bot)
password limit (64 characteres)
multiple improvements to Binance trading engine
improvements perf % for user trades
v2.0.0, Oct 06th
V2 launch
Trading engine improvements
Server upgrades
v1.0.80, Sept 13th
fix exchanges available on bat and etc bot.
fix issue on trading Algo bots.
v1.0.70, Sept 10th
New bots Wave Traders.
v1.0.60, Sept 7th
3 new Algo bots.
Portfolio monitoring fix.
Fix on okex api key.
Withdrawal fees and possibility to request withdraw on BSC.
v1.0.50, Sept 1st
Fix performance fee distribution.
v1.0.40, Aug 21st
Fix on pending deposit.
Group transaction on etherscan for performance fees.
Bot filters.
v1.0.30, Aug 12th
Performance fee rewards available for stakers.
Fix on UBXT Burn.
v1.0.20, Aug 4th
Avax Bot V2 update.
v1.0.10, July 28th
Activation of performance fees system phase 3 official launch
UBXT wallet and deposits phase 3 public release
Stable Farming Pool added, Farm UBXT with Stable Coins!
Updates to wallet connect and web 3 wallets
Bugs fixes and tweaks from phase 3 Battalion beta testers.
v1.0.0, July 8th
Activation of performance fees system phase 2
UBXT wallet and deposits phase 2
More Algo Bots added
v0.9.10, June 21st
Connection with facebook / google
v0.8.88, June 18th
DAO v1.0 launched
v0.8.00, May 27th
Beefy finance LP farming
TomoChain partnership and Community Algo integration
v0.7.90, May 21st
WalletConnect integration for staking
v0.7.80, May 18th
PancakeSwap syrup/LP pool launch
Various backend / UI improvements.
v0.7.70, May 11th
BSC Staking smart contract deployed
BSC pools fully integrated into Demo App
KuCoin Manual Trading Basic
KuCoin Algo Bots
UI changes and Improvements
v0.7.55, April 28th
Eth Bsc Bridge available on the interface
3 new algobots I-Robot BTC, I-Robot ETH, I-Robot BNB
Algobots filter function + ux ui improvements
Algobots performance gains/losses in USDT is now available
MDD automatic calculation
Homepage ux/ui improvements
New Staking Pool : UBXT-BUSD LP
General ui improvements
Fix issue on portfolio evolution stuck on 'loading data'
2FA automatic validation of the code
v0.7.40, April 9th
Staking program live (UBXT pool & UBXT-ETH LP pool)
Smart contract staking deployed
Access to the bot enabled if user is staking +10.000 UBXT
ETH delete wallet fix
Portfolio evolution fix for wallets that were equal to zero in the chart
v0.7.39, April 2nd
Oxygen coin value conversion corrected
UX/UI improvement (side menu logic, portfolio distribution chart layout improvement, show all the coins in distribution table instead of grouping some in ''others'')
Notifcation improvement : add more information, clearer error messages, filter per source (manual trade, algobots), mark all as ready or delete all options
Manual refresh feature in portfolio monitoring summary to have an updated value of your balance
Connection to Binance Wallet extension
Bot activity details : add more information about the bots running so the users can see if the signals were successful or in case of error the reason of it
Link on UBXT widget coin logo in the homepage to directly add the token in Metamask
v0.7.36, March 26th
Avax bot on Binance
market value widget on the homepaeg (btc, eth, ubxt)
more info in the algobot user summary (nb of days running, total profit%, current position)
homepage portfolio card sort feature so you can sort by amount and see your main wallets first
dex wallet store data modif so if the user adds a dex wallet on a device it will be saved also on other device + save data for each day
swap page ux ui fix on the exchange checkboxes
fix on the side menu : reduce the menu when navigating on other pages
v0.7.27 2021, March 22
Link to multichain
Homepage carrousel
cancel order for limit order
algobot theoretical amount is now based on available balance vs total balance
fix on webapp 'page not found'
ux/ui fixes and improvements
FTX add an api key ux improvement : possibility to select main account or subaccount to make it clearer when you need to add the subaccount name
v0.7.24 2021, March 18
Sushiswap fix
Fix on ETH monitoring page (api issue that you also had)
Add Binance smart chain wallets in the portfolio monitoring pages
v0.7.20 2021, March 14
UI improvements made
Fixes to graphics
Flow improvements
Sushiswap tracker added to ETH portfolio monitoring
v0.7.18 2021, March 11
Fix coins conversion issues
improved the speed of the pages portfolio monitoring
v0.7.12 2021, March 4
You can now connect your FTX subaccount on UpBots and track your balance or trade on the algobots
Algobots are now available for FTX too
We fixed some ux/ui issues cross -browser (privacy policy page & terms & conditions)
Made some fixes on the portfolio evolution
v0.7.08 2021, Feb 26
Manual trade launched
ETH portfolio tracker launched
FTX trading for algo bots added
Portfolio tracker speed enhanced
UBXT wallet integration continuing
v0.7.03 2021, Feb 18
Manual trade buy/sell order on desktop
Check your orders & status in the my order tab
v0.6.20 2021, Feb 11
Integrating FTX in the algobots, status : we are in testing phase
Manual trade progress : we have tested market and limit orders on Binance and we are implementing an order page where you can track all your order and their status, should be available soon
UBXT wallet status : on testing phase too
v0.6.14 2021, Feb 4
front end devs are finishing some corrections for covalent. Portfolio monitoring still has a huge work ahead of it which involves reviews of the design. Not everything is functional yet. Portfolio evolution is not working for the DEXs, the summary page is not consolidating the ETH portfolios. Working on this tomorrow so we can try to have something soon.
Polling (for manual trade) should be done by today. Last test and perhaps that tomorrow it will be live.
Will make the test today for FTX algo bots. The front is not yet ready but shouldn't be long. If no bugs detected during the current testing, or for tomorrow or for monday.
UBXT wallet ... in finishing process.
v0.6.04 2021, Jan 26
UBXT wallet undergoing testing
DEX swapped added to the interface
Manual trade nearing completion
Front end for ETH portfolio tracking finishing up
Working to add the FTX exchange to the algo bots
Implementing design improvements
v0.5.14 2021, Jan 21
Integration of decentralized exchanges:
we can already add an ETH wallet, see its balance, its evolution and the history of transactions in testing environment
we are now working on the possibility to have the details of projects related to the wallet (staking, liquidity pools ...)
UBXT wallet :
it is possible in test to generate a wallet, make a deposit or a withdrawal (just deployed in testing)
we are still working on adding transactions in ubxt
Manual trade:
technically we can already launch an order in a test environment
we are still working on the follow-up and updating of this order if it is a limit one and the addition of all pairs
v0.5.11 2021, Jan 14
Reconnect algobot fix
New infrastructure
UI/UX improvement for swap page on mobile
General UI improvement (API key page...)
v0.5.8 2021, Jan 7
Swaps on
Mobile UI improvement for the bot performances
UBXT wallet front-end
v0.5.2 2020, December-10
Algobots closing quantity fixed
Safari desktop and mobile UI adjustments
Fix on invalidated API keys
Fix on the error message when reactivating a bot with a key that is already used for another bot
You can now follow your Kucoin and Okex portfolios
Last updated
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