Feature Explanation
In this section you will have a detailed view of your portfolio, your total balance, your portfolio distribution as well as your portfolio evolution.
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In this section you will have a detailed view of your portfolio, your total balance, your portfolio distribution as well as your portfolio evolution.
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Portfolio Management is the place where you can follow the evolution of your portfolio. You will be able to add the different exchanges (DEX & CEX), follow their evolution independently, and see the total value of all your accounts.
Your portfolio balance is the total value of all your CEXs portfolios, in USD or EUR (depending on preference) and in BTC.
These two tables allow you to have a complete view of your assets and their weight in your total portfolio.
View here the evolution of your portfolio, by day, weeks, months or since the addition of your key. We will soon be adding the possibility of retrieving the history of your portfolio in order to have a complete view.
Several things can influence the evolution of your portfolio:
Your trading performance.
The market value of your assets.
The addition or deletion of a portfolio (if you are using the aggregated view).
Deposits and withdrawals.