🌉UBXN Blockchain Bridge

How to Bridge your UBXN across Blockchains using our inbuilt UBXN Bridge

How to use the UpBots UBXN ERC20/BEP20 Bridge

To use the UBXN Bridge you will need Metamask browser wallet you can find out more about this here. We currently send the user on multichain, our partner for the brige of UBXN between BSC and ETH network.

How to move UBXN between BSC & ETH

2. Click on "extend menu"

3. Click on UBXN

4. Click on Bridge

5. You will be sent to Multichain website. Now, click on connect wallet

6. Enter the amount to swap

7. Click on "Approve UBXN"

8. Click on "Approve UBXN" one more time

9. FInally, click on Swap

10. And then click on Confirm

If you can't see your UBXN when you switch to the BSC network, make sure to add UBXN manually to Metamask with BSC network selected and using the BSC UBXN contract address below:


Last updated